
发布时间:2017-08-18 23:18阅读次数:

1. 单晶镍基高温合金的非平衡凝固胡壮麒王华明张静华于熙泓郑志朱耀霄腐蚀科学与防护技术,1993/01,21。

2. d电子合金理论及其在合金设计中的应用张济山崔华胡壮麒材料科学与工程,1993/03,

3. 应用d—电子合金设计理论发展新型抗热腐蚀单晶镍基高温合金 Ⅰ.相稳定性临界条件的确定张济山崔华胡壮麒村田纯教森永正彦汤川夏夫金属学报,1993/07,

4. 一种单晶高温合金的高周疲劳行为(英文)张静华胡壮麒徐永波王中光材料科学进展,1993/04,

5. 电磁离心铸造工艺的研究葛云龙杨院生焦育宁胡壮麒高允彦贾光霖;金属学报,1993/03,

6. 8090Al-Li合金的凝固机制刘玉林胡壮麒张匀赵洪恩师昌绪材料科学进展,1993/05,

7. 应用d—电子合金设计理论发展新型抗热腐蚀单晶镍基高温合金——Ⅱ合金元素对显微组织和性能的影响张济山崔华胡壮麒村田纯教森永正彦汤川夏夫;金属学报,1993/07,

8. Nb对Ti_3Al电子结构和韧化的影响徐东生李东胡壮麒;金属学报,11993/08,

9. 单晶 Ni 基高温合金侧向约束条件下的凝固行为王华明唐亚俊张静华李英敖张志亚于洋胡壮麒材料科学进展,1993/02,

10. 高温合金定向凝固行为的分形分析孙力玲董连科张济山唐亚俊张静华胡壮麒;金属学报,1993/02,

11. Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O系氧化物熔体的凝固产物及其向超导体的转变张成胡壮麒葛云龙王永忠乔桂文;金属学报,1993/05,

12. FePd合金超微粒子的制备与性能陈健孙秀魁徐坚杨明川魏文铎胡壮麒;金属学报,1993/09,

13. 流体受迫流动下的柱状枝晶非对称生长焦育宁刘清民杨院生葛云龙胡壮麒材料工程,1993/07,

14. Al-Li合金的疲劳性能艾素华王中光张匀胡壮麒;金属学报,1993/01,

15. NiAl的成键特征孟长功徐东生郭建亭胡壮麒;金属学报,1993/02,

16. Ti_3Sn和Ti_3Sn-Nb的电子结构与力学行为徐东生李东胡壮麒材料科学进展,1993/06,

17. 镍基高温合金定向凝固过程中MC型碳化物的分形分析孙力玲董连科张静华胡壮麒;金属学报,1993/09,

18. Mg在铸造Fe_3Al合金中的行为及其对力学性能的影响殷为民郭建亭胡壮麒;金属学报,1993/05,

19. Zr 对 DZ38合金凝固行为和持久性能的影响(英文)李英敖唐亚俊张静华张济山朱耀霄胡壮麒材料科学进展,1993/01,

20. Fe-Ni-Si-B非晶合金中的原子扩散姜洪刚丁炳哲王景唐胡壮麒科学通报,1993/14,

21. Al-Li合金在慢拉伸条件下的形变与断裂行为; 张匀王中光刘玉林赵洪恩胡壮麒原正兴;金属学报,1993/10,

22. 离子微探针研究氢在材料中行为的新进展陈廉刘中豪李依依胡壮麒材料科学与工程,1993/04,

23. DD8及DZ38G合金的热腐蚀研究曾广亮管恒荣孙晓峰胡壮麒腐蚀科学与防护技术,1993/02,

24. 合金超微粒子粒径计算新方法陈健魏文铎孙秀魁杨明川胡壮麒;金属学报,1993/08,

25. 激光气相合成γ-Fe纳米粒子梁勇赵新清郑丰肖克沈胡壮麒材料科学进展,1993/05,

26. 微量元素磷对Rene′N4单晶镍基高温合金组织和性能的影响于熙泓张静华胡壮麒张志亚李英敖材料工程,1993/12,

27. 冷轧 Ni/Ti 多层中的固态非晶化反应——Ⅱ.恒速升温退火处理(英文)沈同德全明秀王景唐胡壮麒材料科学进展,1993/03,

28. 激光诱导气相合成Si_3N_4/SiC纳米粉试验工艺研究李亚利梁勇郑丰胡壮麒材料科学与工艺,1993/04,

29. Pd韧化Ni_3Al的微观机制孟长功郭建亭胡壮麒;金属学报,1993/11,

30. 弯曲载荷作用下8090Al—Li合金显微裂纹的萌生、扩展和断裂张匀刘玉林赵洪恩胡壮麒原正兴材料科学进展,1993/06,

31. 溅射Fe82Si_6B12非晶合金膜的晶化动力学研究姜洪刚佟华宇丁炳哲胡壮麒宋启洪董林周强;金属学报,1993/11,

32. 恒稳磁场下的Bi系超导晶体激光加热浮区生长葛云龙焦育宁杨院生刘传胜刘清民胡壮麒科学通报,1993/18,


33. Diffusivity ofSi in Fe-Ni-Si-B Amorphous Alloy姜洪刚丁炳哲王景唐胡壮麒Chinese ScienceBulletin,1993/24,

34. Superconductivityof Bi (Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Whiskers金华葛云龙刘清民胡壮麒师昌绪Ichiro MatsubaraHideo TanigawaChinese ScienceBulletin,1993/04,

35. Hu Z Q,Wang H M, Murata Y, Morinaga M. Solidification microstructures of asingle-crystal superalloy under ultra-high temperature gradient conditions. J.Mater. Sci. Technol., 1993, 9: 25~31

36. Jin H, Hu ZQ, Ge Y L, Liu Q M, Liu C S, Shi C X. The influence of growth conditions on thecharacteristics of Bi-based whiskers. Physica C, 1993, 211: 49~57

37. Wang R K,Sun L H, Liu A S, Ge Y L, Liu C S, Hu Z Q. Study on microstructures ofBi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting whiskers. Modern Phys. Lett., B, 1993, 7:389~396

38. Hu Z Q,Zhang Y, Liu Y L. Corrosion behavior of 8090 Al-Li alloy. Corrosion, 1993, 49:491~498

39. Meng C G,Gao J T, Liu X Y, Hu Z Q. A new criterion of hardness for materials with rocksalt structure. Mater. Lett., 1993, 17: 54~58

40. Liu X D,Wang J T, Hu Z Q, Ding B Z. Structure and properties of Fe-basednanocrystalline alloys containing a small amount of transition elements. Mater.Sci. Eng., 1993, A169: L17~L19

41. Wang Y Z,Qiao G W, Liu X D, Ding B Z, Hu Z Q. Electrical resistivity for nanocrystallineFe-Cu-Si-B alloys obtained by crystallization of the amorphous alloy. Mater.Lett. 1993, 7: 152~154

42. Liu X D, HuZ Q, Ding B Z. Structure characterization of nanocrystalline Fe-Mo-Si-B alloysby positron annihilation. Scr. Metall. Mater., 1993, 29: 663~666

43. Sun L L, WuQ, Zhang J H, Hu Z Q. MC morphology in a directionally solidified nickel-basedsuperalloy. Mater. Lett., 1993, 17: 360~363

44. Chen J, SunX K, Yang M C, Xu J, Chen W X, Wei W D, Hu Z Q. Surface state analysis ofFe50Pd50 alloy ultrafine particles. Appl. Surface Sci., 1993, 72: 267~271

45. Yu X H,Zhang J H, Hu Z Q, Zhu Y X, Tong B Y, Liang Y. Phase analysis of a laserglazedRené N-4 superalloy. Mater. Trans., JIM, 1993, 34: 642~669

46. Tong H Y,Ding R Z, Jiang H G, Hu Z Q, Dong L, Zhou Q. An in-situ TEM observation on thethermal stability of a nanocrystalline FeBSi alloy. Mater. Lett., 1993, 16:260~264

47. Liu Y L, HuZ Q, Zhang Y, Zhao H E, Shi C X. Microstructure, tensile properties andfracture behavior of double-aged 8090 Al-Li alloy. Z. Metallkd., 1993, 84:811~815

48. Zhang Z S,Hu Z Q, Murata Y, Morinaga M, Yukawa N. Design and development of hotcorrosion-resistant nickel-base single-crystal superalloys by the d-electronsalloy design theory: Part I, Characterization of the phase stability. Metall.Trans., 1993, A24: 2443~2450 

49. Zhang Z S,Hu Z Q, Murata Y, Morinaga M, Yukawa N. Design and development of hotcorrosion-resistant nickel-base single-crystal superalloys by the d-electronsalloy design theory: Part II, Effects of refractory metals Ti、Taand Nb on microstructures and properties. Metall. Trans., 1993, A24: 2451~2464

50. Liu Y L, HuZ Q, Zhang Y, Shi C X. The solidification behavior of 8090 Al-Li alloy. Metall.Trans., 1993, B24: 857~865

51. Liu Y L, HuZ Q, Zhang Y, Shi C X. Influence of retrogression and reading on microstructureand properties of 8090 Al-Li alloy. Mater. Sci. Technol., 1993, 9: 672~677

52. Shen T D,Wang K Y, Quan M X, Hu Z Q. Formation of amorphous Ge-S semiconductor alloys bymechanical alloying. Appl. Phys. Lett., 1993, 63: 1637~1639

53. Shen T D,Wu Y L, Quan M X, Wang J T, Hu Z Q. Calculation of the temperature forformation of competing intermetallic compounds in Ni/Ti multilayers. Mater.Lett., 1993, 17: 258~262

54. Liu X D,Ding B Z, Hu Z Q, Lu K, Wang Y Z. Properties of nano crystalline Fe-Cu-Si-Balloys generated by crystallization of the amorphous alloy. Physica B,Condensed Matter, 1993, 192: 345~350

55. Liu X D,Zhu J, Hu Z Q, Wang J T. Investigation of defective structure ofnanocrystalline Fe-Mo-Si-B alloys by the positron annihilation technique. J.Mater. Sci. Lett., 1993, 12: 1826~1828

56. Liu X D,Zhu J, Jiang J, Lu K, Hu Z Q, Ding B Z. Structural analysis of nanocrystallineFe-Cu-Si-B alloys by Mössbauer spectroscopy. Nanostructured Mater., 1993, 2:571~579

57. Liu X D, LuK, Ding B Z, Hu Z Q. Investigation of the lattice structure of nanophase inFe-Cu-Si-B alloys. Nanostructured Mater., 1993, 2: 581~586

58. Liu X D, HuZ Q, Ding B Z. Hall-Petch relation in nanocrystalline Fe-Mo-Si-B alloys.Nanostructured Mater., 1993, 2: 545~552

59. Zhang Y, XuY B, Liu Y L, Ai S H, Zhao H E, Hu Z Q. In-situ observation of microcrackgrowth in 8090-T4 alloy. Scr. Metall. Mater., 1993, 29: 639~642

60. Jiang H G,Ding B Z, Tong H Y, Wang J T, Hu Z Q. Diffusivity of Si in two amorphous alloysof (Fe-Ni)78Si12B10. Mater. Lett., 1993, 17: 69~73

61. Tong H Y,Ding B Z, Jiang H G, Hu Z Q. An in-situ TEM observation on the thermalstability of a nanocrystalline FeBSi alloy. Mater. Lett., 1993, 16:260~264 

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